Payment & Charges

Billing Inquiries

  • If you have a 12-digit account number:
    • Log in or sign up for My Account using your 12-digit Enercare Account number to view your Enercare bills
    If you have a 10-digit account number:
  • Register for My Account to opt in to paperless billing to get bill notifications delivered directly to your inbox and avoid the paper billing fee of $1.50. If you have accessibility needs or are unable to access paperless bills, please contact us at 1-855-642-8607.
  • If you’re unable to find an answer to your questions in these FAQs, please call us at 1-855-642-8607 and select option for Billing.  One of our agents will be happy to assist you.
    • In the account summary page of your bill, you will get a quick glimpse of payments made, adjustments, charges (previous balance and new charges), taxes, and any other associated fees with that bill.
    • A breakdown of new charges/adjustments can be seen in the detail page of your bill.
    • Charge details will show the rental equipment you have with Enercare, the service periods it was billed for, along with the monthly rate, and subtotal.
    • If you have a maintenance or protection plan, the monthly charges will also be displayed.
    • Adjustment detail will show any adjustments (credits or charges) made on your account.
  • Credit and refunds will appear on the Current Bill Detail section of your bill.
  • If you have a 12-digit account number: – Log into My Account to update your pre-authorized credit or debit information or call us at 1-855-642-8607 and select option for Billing.

    If you have a 10-digit account number: – Log into our Enercare Billing Portal to update your pre-authorized debit      
  • Call us at 1-855-642-8607 (Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm) or email us at [email protected].
  • Pro-ration is seen on your bill when you are billed for only part of your bill cycle. If a full-service period was not billed, your monthly rental rate will be pro-rated for that period. In a scenario where new rental equipment was installed part way through your billing cycle, you will on receive a pro-rated charge for that rental equipment on your next invoice.
  • Enercare utilizes Stripe for payment processing so you may see Stripe referenced on your banking or credit card statement for this transaction.

    Charges & Fees

    • The charges on your bill from previous bill(s) could be higher for different reasons:
      • Yearly rate increase (subject to your terms and conditions)
      • If you have newly installed rental equipment, your first bill will be pro-rated and may result in higher than usual charges due to more than one month of service charges being on the first bill.
      • If you have equipment that was on deferral or had a limited time discount applied, you may see an increase in monthly charges once this offer expires. At the end of the offer, your monthly charge will continue billing at the regular rate in effect at that time.
      If you need further clarification, give us a call at 1-855-642-8607 and select option for Billing. One of our agents will be happy to assist you.
    • When we print and send you a paper bill, we will charge you a paper bill fee of $1.25. Go paperless and save on this fee by logging into My Account and updating your billing preferences.
    • You may be charged a late fee if payment for your bill(s) was not received by the due date.  To avoid late fees, enroll in Pre-authorized Debit or Pre-authorized Credit payments and never miss a due date.          
    • A late payment penalty equal to 1.5% per month or 18% per annum (for an effective rate of 19.56% per annum) multiplied by the total of all unpaid charges will be added to your next bill if payment in full is not received by the due date. Please ensure your balance is paid by the due date to avoid late fees.

      Late Payments

      • If you have a 12-digit account number, here are your options:
        • Sign up for pre-authorized debit/credit or make a one-time payment using My Account
        • In person at any major Canadian financial institution
        • Online Banking to: Enercare Home Services (12 Digit Acct)
        • Pay by phone at 1-855-642-8607
        • Send a cheque by mail to: Enercare Home Services, C/O T46600, PO Box 4660 STN A, Toronto, ON M5W 0N7.
        If you have a 10-digit account number here are your options:
        • Sign up for pre-authorized debit using our Enercare Billing Portal
        • In person at any major Canadian financial institution
        • Online Banking to: Enercare Home Services (10 Digit Acct)
        • Make a one-time payment by calling collections team – 1-888-393-0367
        • Send a cheque by mail to: Enercare Home Services, PO Box 9925 STN A, Toronto, Ontario M5W 2J2
      • You may be charged a late fee if payment for your bill(s) was not received by the due date.  To avoid late fees, enroll in Pre-authorized Debit or Pre-authorized Credit payments and never miss a due date.          
      • If you are unable to make a payment by the due date, please call us a 1-855-642-8607 and choose Billing to notify us.

        Payment Methods & Setup

        • If you have a 12-digit account number on the top of your bill: If you have a 10-digit account number on the top of your bill:  If you are a property manager:
        • If you have a 12-digit account number:
          • Sign up for My Account and set up pre-authorized credit payments.
          • If you don’t have a My Account login you can call us at 1-855-642-8607 to enroll by phone.
          If you have a 10-digit account number
          • Customers with a 10-digit account number are currently unable to enrol in pre-authorized credit payments. You can call us at 1-888-393-0367 to make a one-time credit card payment or visit our Enercare Billing Portal if you would like to enrol for pre-authorized debit.
        • If you have a 12-digit account number:
          • Log in or sign up for My Account using your 12-digit Enercare Account number to view your Enercare bills.
          • Or call us at 1-800-266-3939 and select option 2 for billing and payments and then press 1 for pay a bill.  You will then be able to hear your balance.
          If you have a 10-digit account number:
        • If you have a 12-digit account number here are your options:
          • Sign up for pre-authorized debit/credit or make a one-time payment using My Account
          • In person at any major Canadian financial institution
          • Set up “Enercare Home Services (12 Digit Acct)” as a payee in online banking
          • Pay by phone at 1-855-642-8607
          • Send a cheque by mail to: Enercare Home Services, C/O T46600, PO Box 4660 STN A, Toronto, ON M5W 0N7.
          If you have a 10-digit account number here are your options:
          • Sign up for pre-authorized debit using our Enercare Billing Portal
          • In person at any major Canadian financial institution
          • Set up “Enercare Home Services” as a payee in online banking
          • Make a one-time payment by calling: 1-888-393-0367
          • Send a cheque by mail to: Enercare Home Services, PO Box 9925 STN A, Toronto, Ontario M5W 2J2
        • Enercare accepts the following forms of payment:
          • Visa or Mastercard Credit/Debit Card
          • Cheque
          • Pre-Authorized Credit/Debit
          • Online Banking
          For 12-digit account number choose: Enercare Home Services plus 12-digit account number.

          For 10-digit account number choose: Enercare plus 10 Digit Account number.
        • To add a secondary account: Please log into an account associated with the corresponding email address in order to add the secondary account. At the top of your home screen, beside the logout button, you will see ‘Add Account’. Please click on this feature and provide the following details for the secondary account: account number, last bill date, and last invoice amount. Please continue and verify the current information on file to complete the enrollment. You will now be able to access both accounts and view bills; click on the drop-down menu which can be found beside add account to switch between bills.
        • In the event you are unable to pay your bill via your usual method, we have a number of other payment options available:

          If you have a 12-digit account number here are your options:

          • Sign up for pre-authorized debit/credit or make a one-time payment using My Account
          • In person at any major Canadian financial institution
          • Online Banking to: “Enercare Home Services (12 Digit Acct)”
          • Pay by phone at 1-855-642-8607
          • Send a cheque by mail to: Enercare Home Services, C/O T46600, PO Box 4660 STN A, Toronto, ON M5W 0N7.
          If you have a 10-digit account number here are your options:
          • Sign up for pre-authorized debit using our Enercare Billing Portal
          • In person at any major Canadian financial institution
          • Online Banking to: “Enercare Home Services (10 Digit Acct)”
          • Make a one-time payment by calling collections team – 1-888-393-0367
          • Send a cheque by mail to: Enercare Home Services, PO Box 9925 STN A, Toronto, Ontario M5W 2J2
        • This process normally takes 1-2 billing cycles to be completed. When you see the ***Pre-Authorized Payment Notice*** listed on your bill the account balance will begin withdrawing from your bank account monthly or charged to your credit card, as applicable, on a monthly basis. Please continue to make your monthly payments in the meantime.
        • If you need to update your credit card information (card number or expiry date) after you’ve enrolled in pre-authorized payments, you will have to cancel and re-enroll in pre-authorized payments with the updated credit card information.

          If you have a 12-digit account number: 
          • Sign into My Account to delete your current payment method and then set up a new credit card for pre-authorized payments. 
          If you have a 10-digit account number 
          • Customers with a 10-digit account number are currently unable to enrol in pre-authorized payments with a credit card. You can call us at 1-855-642-8607 to make a one-time credit card payment or visit our Enercare Billing Portal if you would like to enrol for pre-authorized debit. 

          Payment Processing & Arrangements

          • Please call us a 1-855-642-8607 to set up a payment arrangement.
          • Your Enercare bill provides the payment due date.   To avoid late fees, enroll in Pre-Authorized Debit or Credit.    
            • For payments made on My Account or by phone, please allow 1 business day for your payment to be reflected on your account.
            • For payments made through your bank or by mail, please allow 7 business days for your payment to be reflected on your account.