My Account

Why use My Account?

Save Time

  • Book, reschedule or cancel service and maintenance appointments
  • View information about your Enercare products, including your Protection Plan details, renewal date and monthly price

Available 24/7

  • Sign in anytime and anywhere
  • Self-serve on your own terms

Easily Manage Your Account

  • View and pay your bills
  • Update your account information


  • If you don’t yet have an account, head to My Account then click “Register now” where you can log in with your Enercare account number or customer details. Fill out the required fields to set up your account.
  • This occurs when the information entered does not match our internal system information. Please enter your account details exactly as they appear on the communications you’ve received from us. If you’re still having issues, please call our call center at 1-855-642-8607 and an agent will be able to help.
  • Automated emails can take up to 30 minutes to arrive in your inbox. Please check your spam or junk folder. If you’re still having issues, please call 1-855-642-8607 and an agent will verify that the correct email address is on file.
  • There are several reasons why this might happen. The equipment in your home may not have coverage or it might not be from Enercare, or your protection plan may be ready for renewal. A quick call to 1-855-642-8607 can sort these details, we’re here to help.
  • ​​​​​​If you forgot your password or are locked out, press the ‘forgot password’ button to reset the password.